Message from Mr. Abdul Tahir {Secretary}
SAMPOORN – In Pursuit of Total Humanism (Under the aegis of which, Justice Tankha Memorial School for Special Children has been developed)

It is indeed a pleasure for me see Justice Tankha Memorial School for Special Children come out from the envelope called “dream” and take the form of “reality”. More than anything else, it gives me immense satisfaction that we have atleast taken a step forward to reach out to those who have been forgotten and neglected by the society. These children who are as dear and loving as any other normal child need special care to nurture and imbibe apparently easy and normal behavior. We at the School try and pay special attention to each student as each one of them presents a unique challenge along with a new opportunity to conquer the seemingly unconquerable.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Vivek Tankha and the entire dedicated team of Justice Tankha Memorial Rotary Institute for Handicapped and Spastics, Jabalpur for bringing the school to the present state. They have been instrumental in guiding us at each juncture and I am sure they will be our guiding force throughout.

It is not only the mission of the School, but a personal aspiration to bring these underprivileged children in the social mainstream by helping them in whatever way possible. I wish the staff and management of the School all the best for their efforts in realizing this dream.